Late nights can give kids bad teeth
Research highlights the importance of proper brushing
Parents need to know the oral habits of children
Check out our same-day scale and polish offer
We seldom hear the expression ‘nigh-owler’ in these enlightened times, but back in the day, it referred to someone who stayed up late.
Staying up beyond the witching hour is an odd subject for a blog, but stick with us, please.
Here’s why: The study, published in the International Journal of Dental Hygiene, A study found that adolescents who prefer to stay up late are at a significantly higher risk of tooth decay.
Published online by the Oral Health Foundation the conclusion is centred around cleaning – or rather, not cleaning teeth.
If kids stay up too late, both parents and their children overlook the cleaning of teeth. These ‘night-owls’ also tend to skip breakfast, leading to snacking throughout the day on sugar-laden foodstuffs.
Late nights can give kids bad teeth
Brush teeth before bedtime
So, what time do your children go to bed? If they like to stay up past your bedtime they could be up to almost four times as likely to suffer from tooth decay, the finding suggests.
Predictably, leading health charity, Oral Foundations is encouraging parents to ensure their children understand the importance of brushing their teeth before bed and the broader impact tooth decay could have if they fail to do so.
Dr Nigel Carter OBE, CEO of the Oral Health Foundation is quoted as saying: “If you tend to fall asleep before your children, evidence suggests there is a real danger that they are not brushing their teeth regularly, or correctly.
“Combined with the resulting lie-in and subsequently skipping breakfast, this is a real recipe for disaster when it comes to their oral health and a hugely increased risk of developing tooth decay.
Vital to prioritise oral health
“Problems in the mouth can affect the way our children communicate, their relationships, development and also their wider general health, so it is vital that they prioritise their oral health.”
And this is all the kind of education North Street Dental and Implant Clinic would endorse.
It’s essential that parents are aware of their children’s oral health habits, even when they are not looking, and try to reinforce the importance of brushing their teeth last thing at night for two minutes with fluoride toothpaste as well as at one other time during the day.
Our hygiene therapist, Sophie Mae
Direct access appointments for hygienist Sophie
Tooth decay happens when the enamel and dentine of a tooth become softened by acid attack after you have eaten or drunk anything containing sugars and are not cleaning your teeth properly.
Over time, the acid makes a cavity in the tooth and almost always leads to the tooth having to be filled by a dentist, or in extreme cases, removed.
Just like gum disease, in the early stages of dental decay there are no symptoms, but regular dental; checks should pick up on such a problem early on to head off advanced decay.
Cleaning teeth is essential to maintaining a happy mouth. Our hygiene therapist, Sophie Mae Burchell BSc Dental Hygiene and Therapy (B’ham), offers direct access appointments for those requiring a same-day scale and polish. No delays – call and get an appointment. It’s that simple.
Sophie also looks after referrals from our dentists and regularly gives lessons in teeth care to both youngsters and older patients.